


We seek to strengthen economies where we operate through our local hiring, 投资于我们的运营和基础设施, and contributions to non-profit organizations that help communities thrive and that promote inclusive social development.

繁荣 represents our industry-leading innovation and operational capabilities to create shared value, including investments in local workforce development and energy-related, 弹性基础设施和技术. By measuring and reporting on aspects of prosperity more holistically, Oxy and our stakeholders can become better informed and prepared to sustain the 资产, infrastructure and human capital that contribute to value creation and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) today and that will be necessary to achieve the Paris Agreement goals for a low-carbon future.



Oxy prioritizes strengthening local economies and helping communities thrive. 我们的众多伙伴关系解决了社区需求, create economic opportunity and promote social development. We actively engage key stakeholders to better understand their interests and concerns, 这有助于我们识别社会投资机会. Our aim is to maximize positive impact for the greatest number of people through a robust portfolio of philanthropic initiatives, 合作伙伴关系, 和项目. 我们重点关注以下六个主要领域:

  • 健康与安全
  • 教育
  • 社会服务
  • 军人和退伍军人
  • 环境
  • 艺术与文化

Oxy’s Community Engagement and Social Investment efforts start with listening to our local employees, 社区领袖, 合作伙伴, civic groups and neighbors to develop local understanding and appreciation of the community and its challenges. 的n we put that understanding to work to serve as an employer, 邻居和首选合作伙伴®-创造就业机会, 基础设施建设, improving lives and investing in a better future for everyone. From putting the ideals of the SDGs into action to addressing unique local needs, we seek to bring sustainable and inclusive growth and opportunity to each of our host communities.

探索更多的 of Oxy’s Community Engagement and Social Investment initiatives.


我们在美国的社区投资方法.S. 重点关注六个主要领域:公共卫生和安全, 教育, 社会服务,如食品保障, 军人和退伍军人, 环境, 艺术和文化.



芭芭拉·布什休斯顿扫盲基金会 was created to improve quality of life through the power of literacy. Its My Home Library provides students in underserved communities with books to take home to foster their love of reading and literacy skills outside of the classroom. 的 Foundation collaborates with local school districts to select the schools that will benefit the most from the program and works closely with those selected schools to build the students’ wish lists for the literary titles they are excited about.



American Corporate Partners (ACP) is a national non-profit organization focused on helping veterans find their next career through active and engaging mentoring, 网络和在线职业发展. 通过老兵导师计划, Oxy employees serve as mentors to veterans transitioning into the civilian workforce.



憧憬一个没有饥饿的美国, 美国供养® is a nationwide organization with the mission to provide access to nutritious food in 合作伙伴hip with food banks, 政策制定者, 和社区. Oxy works with 美国供养® to support more than a half-dozen food banks in four states, 在这一有价值的使命中发挥积极作用.

  • 休斯顿德州食品银行(TX)
  • 蒙哥马利县食品银行(TX)
  • 西德克萨斯食品银行(TX)
  • 目标饥饿(TX)
  • 南平原食品银行(TX)
  • Roadrunner食物银行(NM)
  • Weld Food Bank (CO)
  • 落基山脉食物银行(WY)


芭芭拉·布什休斯顿扫盲基金会 was created to improve quality of life through the power of literacy. Its My Home Library provides students in underserved communities with books to take home to foster their love of reading and literacy skills outside of the classroom. 的 Foundation collaborates with local school districts to select the schools that will benefit the most from the program and works closely with those selected schools to build the students’ wish lists for the literary titles they are excited about.


American Corporate Partners (ACP) is a national non-profit organization focused on helping veterans find their next career through active and engaging mentoring, 网络和在线职业发展. 通过老兵导师计划, Oxy employees serve as mentors to veterans transitioning into the civilian workforce.


憧憬一个没有饥饿的美国, 美国供养® is a nationwide organization with the mission to provide access to nutritious food in 合作伙伴hip with food banks, 政策制定者, 和社区. Oxy works with 美国供养® to support more than a half-dozen food banks in four states, 在这一有价值的使命中发挥积极作用.

  • 休斯顿德州食品银行(TX)
  • 蒙哥马利县食品银行(TX)
  • 西德克萨斯食品银行(TX)
  • 目标饥饿(TX)
  • 南平原食品银行(TX)
  • Roadrunner食物银行(NM)
  • Weld Food Bank (CO)
  • 落基山脉食物银行(WY)


Oxy considers the communities where we operate as our 合作伙伴, and we are dedicated to maintaining open communication and supporting sustainable development.



Oxy continues to support numerous social responsibility programs in 阿曼. Initiatives include collaborating with the Sustainable Technologies and Innovation Development Company (AWJ Innovation) to develop the Oxy Program for Entrepreneurial Development in Frontier 技术 or “.Nxt玉.”, 支持阿曼癌症协会, providing drinking water to communities in remote villages and settlements across our operating areas, 并主持奥施康定运动会.



在阿联酋的阿布扎比, Oxy向阿联酋基金会捐款, a philanthropic organization established by the government to facilitate public-private 合作伙伴关系 for empowering youth. Our 合作伙伴hip with the Emirates Foundation dates back to its establishment in 2005, Oxy是该组织最大的贡献者之一. Oxy’s continued involvement has focused on volunteerism initiatives, 也为《CQ9电子》杂志提供支持, 技术, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) initiatives in the UAE to facilitate youth-driven innovation.


Oxy continues to support numerous social responsibility programs in 阿曼. Initiatives include collaborating with the Sustainable Technologies and Innovation Development Company (AWJ Innovation) to develop the Oxy Program for Entrepreneurial Development in Frontier 技术 or “.Nxt玉.”, 支持阿曼癌症协会, providing drinking water to communities in remote villages and settlements across our operating areas, 并主持奥施康定运动会.


在阿联酋的阿布扎比, Oxy向阿联酋基金会捐款, a philanthropic organization established by the government to facilitate public-private 合作伙伴关系 for empowering youth. Our 合作伙伴hip with the Emirates Foundation dates back to its establishment in 2005, Oxy是该组织最大的贡献者之一. Oxy’s continued involvement has focused on volunteerism initiatives, 也为《CQ9电子》杂志提供支持, 技术, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) initiatives in the UAE to facilitate youth-driven innovation.


每年, Oxy pays billions of dollars in supply chain contracts and taxes benefitting economies across the globe.

2022年,Oxy支付了大约3美元.30亿美元.S. federal, state, and local income, property, sales, and severance taxes, out of a total of $4.在全球缴纳了30亿美元的税款. In 2022, Oxy also invested more than $24 million directly toward community and social investments, 除了我们对劳动力的大力投资, 资产, 和基础设施.

Oxy’s Supply Chain team maximizes our use of vendors based in the countries where we operate to increase job creation and economic opportunities for local residents.


Oxy对多样性的整体方法, 包容和归属感不仅包括我们的员工, 还有我们的供应商. Our 多元商业共融计划 focuses on identifying opportunities to include diverse businesses in our supply chain, and Oxy encourages our sourcing teams to view the marketplace broadly and to consider certified minority-, 女人- - - - - -, 经验丰富,, ”+ -, and disabled-owned businesses for inclusion in our supply chain. 我们相信多元化的供应链, 就像多元化的劳动力一样, 有助于我们的成功和成长. Oxy has established 合作伙伴关系 with several regional and national certifying agencies that cover the five diversity strands listed above and provide us with direct access to a broad network of diverse suppliers.